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Wherefore art thou Trainer??

Updated: Jul 2, 2018

Key points and questions to ask while sitting across from your potential trainer. This is important and this person can be the link to the new you while doing it more effectively and safely... Also very important to remember that you are in the drivers seat. Don't be pushed around and told you should do this and have to do that in order to reach any goal. It's nonsense and so far from the right game plan to anyone's health both mind and body. Now onto what I think is important in finding that perfect teammate in your fitness goals.


- Don't discount or walk away from a trainer that is new to the industry. This is a mistake as education comes from both young and old in the fitness world. Find out when they started in athletics or training. Where did they learn and or who did they learn from. Do they have any specialty that might compliment your fitness goals.

- Ask the potential trainer what their philosophy on training is. Have them relate that philosophy to you on how it would benefit you as a client.

- What type of fitness experience does the trainer possess relative to your goals or mobility issues.

- If you are an athlete ask the potential trainer how they would structure a program for you both Pre, Intra, and Post season.

- If you have imbalances or mobility issues ask the potential trainer how they would work around your injury or rehab and how a program would be structured.

*Important to note that these questions you may have should be something any trainer your putting your confidence in be able to answer quickly without hesitation.


- If you run into a trainer or manager that makes everything seem so simple while their trying to sell you a program with a big smile and guaranteed results on energy levels, weight loss, and looking better... Well geeze I say sigh up.... WRONG!.. If is sounds to good to be true then I can assure you with my almost 20 years in this industry its complete b.s. Sure you may loose weight but is that the objective ?.. Ask smart questions.. The objective should be to lose fat through gaining tissue. If you want to loose 'weight' quick but eating processed foods that have no nutrient value you can save the $ and do that on your own. Train and live smart. Its about balance in life and our foods. Consistency and moderation. Not quick weight loss, quick muscle gains, quick energy levels.. It will be a roller coaster your always getting on and off of.

*A skilled trainer or coach sits back and listens and asks the right questions based on YOU!. What your willing to compromise in terms of foods, time, and training. Formulating a program should give the clients life skills to live a healthy lifestyle and age better. Its about always moving forward and not repeating cycles of weight loss and weight gain.


-This is a big one and its both your personalities together that will be a huge contributor to your success. You must have a belief and respect for your trainer trusting that their only focus is reaching all your goals in a safe manner. This of course is a two way street. I would never and I mean never train someone for financial gain. I must have a connection with the client to get the most out of them. You must both be able to be yourselves in order to be the best team possible.


-You should have times and days going in that suit you best. Make absolute sure the trainer has space during your availability. If you leave with them saying i'll make space to fit you in is not a concrete answer. Remember that changing the body starts with the mind. Consistency in all areas is such a HUGE key to unlocking success. Having that mindset of something written in stone assures your accountability and that's a big step in your journey. Strong mind = Strong body

Swol on

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