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My 16 year old son was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis 2 years ago and has been struggling with pain in his hips and lower back. Because of his condition, he hasn't been as active as he would like and has even started to walk with a limp.  My son has been working with Matt for almost 2 months now and the results are quite remarkable. He no longer walks with a limp and the pain in his hips has completely subsided. He has gained strength, endurance, speed and even more importantly confidence and motivation!  His overall health has improved dramatically which is positively affecting all aspects of his life. I truly believe that without Matt's expertise, enthusiasm and support we would not have seen these results! 

                    - Enza 

I have been training with Matt for about a month now and am thoroughly enjoying my sessions. Matt is extremely friendly and encouraging and truly wants to see his clients succeed. You can see his passion for what he does and it really is contagious. Since training with Matt, my mood has improved dramatically. I am no longer tired at work, always have energy and look forward to getting to the gym for my next session! His workouts are challenging but Matt is very conscientious of my abilities and when to ease up yet still make sure I'm working hard!

I highly recommend Matt if you are looking for a great trainer who provides a friendly and encouraging environment. I look forward to training every week and will continue to work out with Matt while I am in Cornwall.

                      - Marc 30

My husband and I (now 50+) trained with Matt for 3+ years.  Matt’s knowledge in the field of health and fitness far exceeded our expectations.  He not only motivated us physically and mentally but also inspired us to make real changes in our lives to support our goals.  Booked training sessions forced us to create a routine that worked with our schedules and stay on track.  Our training sessions were tough but fair (pushing to the limit while respecting our limitations), motivating and fun.  Session were always designed with our active  lifestyle goals in mind (for us it was to increase strength and mobility for golf, fight the aging factor, increase our energy, eat cleaner and with that came some weight loss and incredible changes in our shapes).  We are stronger than most 25 year olds.  My friends constantly compliment me on how my legs and arms are so defined. We wish we were this dedicated to a healthy lifestyle 30 years ago!  Thanks Matt!                                                                  - Lisa 49

I have been working with Matt since Feb. I have been dealing with chronic pain in my feet, hips, and shoulders for decades. Through the proper form and techniques Matt has challenged and pushed me safely through exercises specifically to help my mobility. After my first 10 sessions my pain was minimal and started feeling strong again. Matt is very knowledgeable, upbeat, and is a fantastic motivator. The workouts are always different and functional. I still continue and will always continue seeing Matt because he keeps it fun and keeps me accountable while always considering my lifestyle.

                    - Terry 64

I have been working with Matt O’Shaughnessy, of Flex Fitness, since mid-September 2017, when I finally made a decision to invest in myself and my well-being. Matt has an excellent knowledge base and the workouts are always
changing and customized to my specific needs. Matt uses a functional approach incorporating flexibility, strength, posture, balance, endurance and ensures that the moves are done correctly. Only through Matt’s programs have my minor
aches and pains disappeared. Since training with Matt, I now sleep better, have more energy at work, and eat considerably better. Matt is very encouraging and he always gets more out of me than I ever would on my own. Working with Matt has been the best investment I ever made"
                              - Catherine 46

My husband and I started working with Matt 2 months ago. Myself to build muscle and my husband who very athletic to fix his stiffness and minor daily pains as he plays hockey multiple times a week. It's going amazing and Matt is a great support system and is always making sure were doing the necessary work. Already feeling better and husband is not as sore. Exciting.

                    - Susan 67 Brian 61

A huge SHOUT OUT to Matt for my workout programs and very constructive suggestions for improved food choices towards a healthier lifestyle.

When I finally was ready to listen change came quickly and my overall health improved and to my surprise a couple of weeks in my husband Doug joined. In three months I have lost 17 inches and 20 pounds and he has lost 26 pounds. CRAZY!!

Our journey continues to be a very positive one even though we still struggle with old habits. Every day is a new challenge to learn and make better choices together...

We are aging so for us improved energy levels, reducing existing inflammation and improving our core strength are our biggest motivators to continue on this path that Matt has encouraged us to try.

The knowledge has been a continued source of motivation and opportunity to see things as they truly are. You have given us the individual tools we needed towards an AWESOME new and improved lifestyle. For all of the above we are extremely appreciative!

                         - Linda 50, Doug 61

Matt has provided me with workouts online giving me the freedom and flexibility to commit to building strength and endurance. His workouts are very functional, sport specific and lots of fun. 

                          - Carole 43

I exercised in the past with success but had an upcoming wedding so wanted to make sure I was accountable. Lost 30 pounds in 3 months not having to change my lifestyle much at all and gained muscle and strength. I still continue to train with Matt. Helps make sure im getting the work in.

                       - Shawn 31

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