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Greatest question I was ever asked

I've had a long career in personal training and with many long term clients who through the years you build really close bonds with and both get to know each other inside and out.

I can't express how lucky i am to have built so many cool connections with a ton of different personality types and people of all social standing. I would never change what i do, it would be my chosen path if money was never a thing and we all did what we want (Which any human being can do...but training your brain is a topic for another day this ones short and sweet:)..

A very smart and savvy female client of mine who has become a person I hold dear in my very small but amazing circle of people that know my past, present, and future and who i admire and respect the hell out of. She asked me a question that threw me off in a great way of challenging the very essence of everything i am and everything that i stand for. And in 17 years of being a professional trainer nobody has ever asked me this which is why i was i throw off. I really had to think hard about my answer.

Her question...So simplistic and complicated...

" Why do you train so hard ? ".. now don't rush to think its a dumb question. This is a person who knows me. Knows everything i do has purpose and direction and is well thought out.. So if i don't compete in sports anymore, am very comfortable in my body shape and strength, and have nothing i'm training for then why do i push so hard everyday...

Here is what i responded after a couple minutes of my life flashing through my mind...

"I train so hard because its been the one constant thing in my life that has always been there for me in every and any emotional state. I know what its like to struggle. I've been broke and starving. Dealt with addiction. Created tons of drama in my life and spent over a decade in a state of self destruction, but through everything i never lost myself because i could always train and get my mind right. It was my balance and maybe it took 10 plus years for it to save my life but it has. Proud to say now I'm well fed, live my life exactly the way i want to live it, clean and sober, and am giving back as much as i possibly can to mankind"

Their was a lot more verbs and the discussion went on for awhile and i got emotional (which is rare) but it really had me reflecting on where I was, where I am, and where I will be. Failure in my opinion is just a word that we are programmed to believe is an option. One thing i pass on to my family both blood and clients alike is that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE with time and determination and learning that through your failures you can make the correct adjustments to never make that same mistake again. That's life in a nutshell. The sooner you can realize that YOU! are your own worst enemy of not being where you want to be in life in any regard. Don't make excuses that you don't have this so you can have that.. IT'S BULLSHIT so stop fooling yourself and get your hustle on. Work hard, Stay the course, Fail, Get back Up, and Dominate your surroundings. And in between all that fill you life with people that only bring you joy , no stress or drama. Accepting anything less is always in your control so don't make excuses. Now Go Lift Something. Put It Down. And Repeat. Always Repeat :p

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